Thursday, September 20, 2012

BLOG 4- Cloning a Wooly?

As much as I would love to talk about the iPhone 5 and all the new innovations in which Apple has announced these past weeks, I wont. I will be discussing something that I found very interesting and that we only hear about on rare occasion. Both technological and Russian scientist found a young wooly mammoth that has been preserved well and still in good condition.  Semyon Grigoryev, who was the head leader of this expedition reported that this finding was very significant and more important than other findings in the past. At any given time in which scientist locate either a well preserved body or some type of remain from a prehistoric animal, they try to learn and crack down reasons why they went extincted in the first place. But you still might be asking why this finding is more important than findings in the past. Well, the real reason is that these scientists not only found a three-four year old well persevered body, they are investigating and think that they have found specific cells that  could lead to the possibility of actually cloning this large mammal.
     Why is this important globally you ask? Well, the fact that scientist from around the world are trying to figure out and investigate more cases like this one is very new and fresh. Countries like Japan and Russia have been trying to conduct this kind of scientific form for over a year now. Not only does it take time, money and ambition; it takes patience and a lot of trial and error. This form of technology could help us in the long run when both doctors and scientists are trying to find reasons in health, Diseases, agriculture and benifital research that could help both humans and animals. For example: Agriculturally, scientist mention that if you clone meat, it could help our food supply and reduce the need to kill and to mutilate cows and other animals. Same thing goes for both human  and animal health. The waiting list for specific organs will be less and more people will not only have the opportunity to get something they need to survive, but they will have the opportunity to live a healthier life. I think governments around the world should help and supply financial assistance to research as such. It could help out our economy and produce more jobs if the science is right and meant to be. At the same time, there should be strict regulations when conducting such experiments. We all know that science fails and this form of research and technology should not be messed around with. It should be formally reviewed and conducted thoroughly under authoritative supervision. I honestly think that we should do more research for subjects and experiments that could possibly lead for us to live a healthier life.

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