Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Blog2:Families chose home school for variety of reasons

This article about families choosing homeschooling got my attention because I have so many mixed opinions on this subject. I do believe that homeschool is not for everyone though. As I was in public school sometimes I thought, maybe I should be homeschooled. However, I realized I only wanted it because in my head that would be easy. Now, I have a better understanding that homeschooling has its challenges just like public school.  I think that there are pros and cons to homeschooling just like public school. Some of the reasons the article gave for homeschooling is to have a flexible schedule, learn what you are interested in, and also the internet helps. When you make a decision for whether you should homeschool, some reasons may be religion, political, discipline, or health reasons.  Ciero who is a homeschool parent of five, believed that homeschool would do great for her family because of religion.  Ciero is also vice-president of Marion County Home Education Board, which keeps all the homeschooling moms together to plan trips and help each other with lessons.  She loves to see her kids having fun while learning.  Homeschool moms take their kids on trips to help them learn something in a fun way.  If one homeschool mom doesn’t know one topic too well then she can also get help from the other homeschool moms. 

If you went to a public school you would have classes with friends, bigger surroundings, not as flexible, sports teams, school events, and longer days.  Some people may like everything about public school but not have the opportunity to go for other reasons.  I think that everyone just needs an education, and however way they get it is fine. Everyone is different meaning everyone learns differently.

1 comment:

  1. Again, this blog has the same issues as the first blog posting. Remember to remain objective, and to back any claims with empirical evidence. Think globally.
