Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Blog 12: Religous Division

Women Arrested in Mumbai for Complaining on Facebook
Last Sunday a woman in Mumbai was arrested for posting a Facebook status that “created or promoted enmity, hatred or ill will between classes”. This woman, Shaheen Dhadha, posted a status that questioned the importance of Shiv Sena leader Bal Thackeray. Shiv Sena leader Bal Thackeray died and to show respect during his funeral there was a “bandh”. This means stores in Mumbai were closing. Shaheen Dhadha posted a status saying that people like Thackeray die every day therefore a bandh is unnecessary. Dhadha was arrested as well as her friend who “liked” the status; both women were sentenced to 14 days in jail after a bond of 15,000 rupees ($270) was paid. Days after the arrest of Dhadha, 2,000 Shiv Sena workers vandalized Dhadha’s family’s orthopedic clinic. There are people outraged at the women and there is also a majority of people outraged at the government for arresting the women. Former Supreme Court Judge Markandey Katju defended Dhadha saying, “To my mind it is absurd to say that protesting against a bandh hurts religious sentiments.” There is a lot of talk about how only these two women were arrested, while hundreds of other posts like this were made on Facebook.
This article is a clear case of rights being violated. All people should have the right of freedom of speech; but not all places around the world have this. In the United States no one would be arrested for posting a comment on Facebook; it is interesting to see what little freedom other countries have. Shaheen Dhadha posted a status on Facebook protesting against a bandh and the government arrests her for disrupting religious views. Countries around the world have limited freedom when religion and government are involved. This article can also relate to women’s rights; would they have been arrested if they were male?

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