Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Blog 13: Most Schools “Have Reduced Careers Advice”

Most Schools “Have Reduced Careers Advice”

After much research done in the past year, eight of ten schools in England now have reduced careers advice available to students.  A survey of over 1,500 secondary schools revealed dramatic reductions from the 2011-2012 to the 2012-2013 school years.  Schools are now taking responsibility for administering career guidance to their students due to the Education Act 2011.  The survey revealed that the level of career advice was maintained in only 16.5% of the 1,568 schools participating. The Chairman of the Careers England board, Steve Stewart expressed that “Schools have been let down by the Department for Education, poorly prepared for the transition to their new role.  And to expect more and better careers guidance for students, when schools have not a penny more for the new duty is not delegation of the duty to schools - it is abdication of by the Department for Education. This survey tells us bluntly that too much has been left to chance.”  Stewart’s remarks explain England’s struggle with careers advice well.  He brings attention to the fact that students need guidance and without the proper resources, individuals will be less informed to make good decisions when it comes to careers choices.  Karen Buck, a shadow education minister confirmed issues by stating that "Many are struggling to maintain a quality offer of careers advice and guidance because of the changes brought in by this government, with reduced financial support from September.  Students and employers will be the losers as young people face being left with reduced ability to choose the best options for qualifications, training and work." It is clear that budget is an issue for education throughout the world and currently, for England, students will suffer in the career department, which will have a profound effect on the rest of their lives.  


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