Friday, August 31, 2012

Blog 1 Uganda Making Life Tough for NGOs, LGBT Rights.

Maria Burnett explored the growing inequality in Uganda, not only between the government and it's people, but the LGBT population of Uganda as well. The government is redirecting society's anger at their oppressive power towards the LGBT population. The government is creating false literature, lying, and doing everything it can to stir up the hatred towards the LGBT population. According to one minister, “The pursuit of LGBT rights is a Western conspiracy aimed at destroying Uganda. Uganda is the country that has been in the news about the “Kill the gays bill” which is still in front of Parliament. Homosexual sex is illegal in Uganda, but talking about LGBT issues is not, in theory. In practice though it remains impossible, due to the government’s growing focus on the LGBT community as a populist strategy to gain favor in the eyes of the people.

It hasn’t been easy for the government to gain control of their people though. More and more people are realizing the inequality growing and have protested food and fuel shortages by walking to work. With this protest though, military and police took to the streets with live ammunition and killed at least nine bystanders, and beat journalists documenting the protest. In this country, the government’s protection of the president from criticism is more important than the citizen’s rights, equality, fair access to resources, or knowledge. The Ugandan people are oppressed, and so much inequality occurs in this country, while I’ve focused mainly on LGBT issues, I haven’t even mentioned the inequality between men and women and the rising HIV rates due to rape. On a lighter note though, Uganda did just hold their first pride parade, and I admire all of the brave men and women who stood up, out and proud.

Burnett, Maria. "Uganda Making Life Tough for NGOs, LGBT Rights | Human Rights Watch." Uganda Making Life Tough for NGOs, LGBT Rights | Human Rights Watch. Human Rights Watch, 30 Aug. 2012. Web. 31 Aug. 2012.

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